Sunday, March 25, 2012


Of course I went and saw the Hunger games movie on the day it came out! I want with Katherine, Dyna and Mariam and we had a great time! Dyna is a die hard Hunger Games fan like me so we were super excited for it to come out! 
I kept my ticket...;)

And OMFG IT WAS FRICKIN AMAZING! It really reminded me of a artistic low budget movie but at the same time the CGI and effects were great. I think they did an amazing job of recreating the books and I'd dare to say that it's on level with Harry Potter...seriously! To bad there will only be 3 or 4 movies!!! But I seriously can't wait for the next one! (in 150+ days till the next one is released)

*sigh* At first I didn't like the casting but OMG they got it right cause everyone was so amazing especially Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss!

All I can say is it's a must see! (I'm definitely buying the DVD!) it was such a beautiful movie that had me crying and laughing! (*o*) /<3 AND MAKE SURE YOU READ THE BOOK!

If you went and saw it let me know what you think! Did you love it or hate it???

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