Sunday, February 26, 2012

BJD wishlist!!! ヽ(´▽`;)/♪

Okay so I've been interested in BJDs for a while and I still haven't gotten one yet but with my 17th birthday coming not so far off (lol 5 months) I wanted to think about my wish list of BJDs because I really would like one! (I also want my Innocent world dream dress, a camera, cosplay stuff and much more but a BJD is at the top of my list! and I will only ever get one thing sooo I must choose wisely...) 

At the top of my list is the Migidoll Miho! 
no matter how much I try I can't stay away from this mold! I keep going back to the site just to stare at him! I orginally just wanted to collect MSD sizes but after seeing him I can help but want more SD sized BJDs *sigh* right now this sculpt is sold out *cries*

No. 2 on my list is the Crobi Doll (cross+ambition) Zion (R-line) 
He's the most expensive 。・゚゚・(>д<;)・゚゚・。
I LOVE the shape of his eyes the most! He fits one of my characters very well down to the shape of his mouth and everything as i imagined it!!! too bad he costs a small fortune!

3rd on my list is the Luts Kid delf Mill
I think this sculpt looks so sweet and I almost died when I saw how angelic he looks! I think the wig and outfit don't really sell the sculpt well but I see so much sweetness in this face and he's on the cheaper side of my wish-list! (He's the most likely to be bought, and the others are for when I have a job lol)

The odds of me getting a BJD for my Birthday are quite low...But a girl can wish right? 
( ̄ェ ̄;)<3


  1. @_@ Holy smokes...That Zion doll. GAAAAH! I didn't think it was possible to fall in love at first sight! T-T ♥
    That is probably the most gorgeous BJD I have ever seen. (Not to say that other BJD's aren't gorgeous, but this one just takes the cake for me!)

    ;3; Those eyes....THOSE EYES. He's like...The perfect uke! xD Gragh!
    It really is a shame he costs so much. :c

    1. Arghhh tell me about it! He would be no. 1 on my list if it wasn't for his price!!!ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ He's just so perfecttttt *sigh*

  2. i <3 the first doll...he's so beautiful to me....uhhhhhh!
