Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cosplay Progress ╮(─▽─)╭ + RANT

So I've been spending a lot of time procrastinating over cosplays that I've stared and NOT finished....right now I have 5 unfinished but started cosplays so I'm really trying to motivate myself to be better at it and take less time to make them but as most people should know cosplay is NOT easy!
This month there is an event and then there are 2 more next month meaning I would need to have at least 3 cosplays done ;___; ~I'm not sure what will happen but I know for sure that I will be going to ANIMEYHEM which in on 28th of September (that will be the big one for Katherine and I) 

Here are some progress pics
 5+ cosplays worth of material ;___; 

 High school of the Dead blouse wip...
 85% finished 
Lily Saber chest armour WIP (after 2 coats of spray paint gold/silver)

I also made a cosplay for begginers video! 
It's basically about planning a cosplay no matter how you are going to get it together.

 full outfit shot
OH OH OH while on the topic of cosplay a debate came up about cosplay vs it sounds stupid but any otaku would know that Cosplay does not equal porn despite it having sexual elements but that is just the fact that characters can be very sexy and wear revealing outfits so if a cosplayer wants to cosplay as them they have to expose some skin...wearing something like a bikini for cosplay is considered too sexual (like porn) wft people wear bikinis and underwear in fashion magazines and on TV but no-ones screaming about that....Cosplay is just another expression of creation and displaying talents whether that's modelling, photography, sewing, makeup, prop making etc. Everyone and anyone can cosplay in my mind! So what if a pretty girl wants to dress up as a sexy anime character or anyone else for that matter! Cosplay isn't explicit and there are bounds to what cosplayers will wear depending on the clothing rules in a certain country (for example I live in the middle east wear at conventions showing too much skin ie wearing a bikini would be inappropriate so cosplayer either stay away from those cosplays or alter them to make them more appropriate.) Overall I'm a little disappointed in the international otaku community for they close minded-ness and disrespect to cosplayers as well as the general public for judging before understanding. No matter how simple or easy a cosplay is effort has gone into doing it so people should respect that and if they don't keep it to themselves rather than insulting someone to their face (it's fine to have an opinion on something/someone but keep it to yourself unless the person asks!) Okay I've said my piece ;___; wow that was a long rant *sigh*
 Here's one of the images that caused a lot of trouble (This cosplayer was banned I think) I feel that's unfair unless the convention organisers specified the dress code for that event and what cosplays were not appropriate! Plus everyone knows that almost all otakus are perverts...I'm a pervert too in my own way (of yaoi) but it's not really fair to just blame the cosplayer as well as the photographers....

(images don't belong to me) 
Bai <3 

AUSTRALIA ヽ(愛´∀`愛)ノ trip back home!

So as I said in the previous post I went home for a few weeks and I was so happy to see all my amazing friends again!
I spent some time in Melbourne with my family...

 There was a gaming convention and I saw cosplayers but I couldn't get any photos because we were on a tram ;___;

Here's some fail food porn... (things you can't get in Abu Dhabi easily...;__;) maybe in Dubai though!
 I have an Addiction in BUBBLE TEA (pearl milk teas)
We went to a restaurant and this is what I was so good! 

Then I got on another plane to CANBERRA <3 

 I stayed with some family friends while I was there and this is the cute room I slept in.
 My sister (not actually but close enough) Naa <3 I love her to bits!! She drove me around the place

 Some snacks we got from my favourite Korean grocery in the City

I also went to my old school to visit my friends because it was a school day! Lol I was so overwhelmed with happiness ;__;

My amazing friends who I hadn't seen in 1.5 years XD We had to meet up after school in the City Mall 

Picnic in the park! 
It was such a nice day despite being winter! 

 It was awesome to see my friends again and I miss them soooooo much! Can't wait to go back in December! 

Bai <3 

Birthday Haul (●♡∀♡)

So for my birthday I got a tonne of stuff and I also got to go back to Australia and Visit my friends and family! I was unbelievably happy and I miss home already! 

My birthday haul is as follows;

 Okay this bracelet wasn't a bday gift but if was from my friend Jess from HK and she actually gave it to me at her going away party
 GAME OF THRONES (‘∀’●)♡ It's such a good series but I'm taking ages to read it because the show is still fresh in my mind!
 the bamboo fun tablet! It's perfect ;___:

 This's actually not very good for the price so I'm going to get another one later...maybe if I mix it with something else it will apply better but the colour is great!

 Some Gap Jeans and 2 new I phone covers (´ω`♡%) my favourite is the Gameboy one! On that day I also got UGG boots but they are for my Korra cosplay 

Typo Dairy and new sketch book as well as new Eyeliner/eyelash serum 

 I went shopping in China Town so these are my purchases-> Seventeen august mag which came with the hello kitty bag, POCKY, Big Bang folder, Chocolate mirror + smelly pens from DAISO, blue Circle Lenses, Rilakkuma dairy! 
 These are the contacts up close and what they look like in Natural light... might do a review on them later....or not...They're really comfortable but the colour doesn't show up as well as they could!

New converse! My old ones were really torn up!

And Last but certianly not least...
 My Canon 600D and Macbook Air 13inch
I love all the things I got so much! My computer was actually a gift for my last 2 years of highschool!

This was taken with the Canon - Lol I was looking at some youtube tutorials on different photography tips. 
The Quality is so amazing but I'm taking in as much as possible about photography and using DSLRs so I can tak amazing cosplay and art photos! 
I might even do some photography posts now

I will post about my trip to Australia in the next entry ;)

Games and Cosplay event! ヽ(;▽;)ノ

Hi everyone, I know it's been I while again and I know I said I would post more but my life got a little busy believe it or not and I didn't really have time to make posts so today I decided I would catch up on everything that's happened!

First of all my birthday was awesome! This year I got everything I wanted and more! BUT FIRST my long awaited Gamers meet event was an interesting one is all I have to say but I still had a good time seeing all the cosplayers again! So here are the snaps from that (excuse the low quality but they were all taken on my iphone lol) 

I went as Chun Li but the pink maid version and I altered the dress so it wasn't as...revealing lol

 my make up ;___; I know it sucks

Anyway I went to the event by bus with two friends who like gaming...
Before the going to the event which was in a mall we went to get lunch...and by lunch I mean a deliciously sweet dessert...

IN THE EVENT ROOM -> The Cosplayers <3 <3 

 Sanji and Chii XDD omg lol

 The winner of the Cosplay contest Saad as Prince or Persia OMG He's such a great cosplayer and so nice too <3 

Finally one with me in ignore my stupid hamster face...idk what was wrong with me but I couldn't pose to save my life which is a good thing not too many pictures were taken at that event!

So those are the less then satisfactory pictures I took for that event...there was another event called ONGAKU SHOWDOWN with a pokemon cosplay event but that was on my birthday so I didn't go!

Hopefully my coverage of the next event is...better lol

Bai <3